Do you ever find yourself wondering…“Does my executive even know what I did all day?” My guess is the answer is simply, “No, they don’t.” How could they? You’re out there making it happen, sweating the details, ensuring nothing falls through the cracks while they’re dealing with their busy day.
As an executive, I often thought, “I wonder what Kristie was able to get done today?” I NEVER wondered that because I didn’t think she was busy or thought she was wasting time. It was because I knew everything she accomplished was critical to some task, goal, or objective that we needed to accomplish together. So often, the only things that moved forward on my to-do list in a day were those items accomplished by Kristie.
With the visibility of those things, I was able to have the sense of accomplishment and satisfaction of knowing that even on a day where I needed to be on Zoom all day, things were still moving forward toward accomplishing our goals. When you are working towards one combined goal with your executive, they likely appreciate hearing about the progress you made during the day while they were busy with whatever their day looked like.
One day, without my asking, I started getting summaries from Kristie. Usually, they had reminders of what I needed to do the next day (especially early), FYIs of people’s birthdays and work anniversaries, important tasks that I needed to accomplish, questions that I needed to answer to ensure Kristie wasn’t roadblocked, and finally, key tasks that Kristie got done or moved forward that day.
I found these summaries from Kristie to be incredibly helpful. I usually read them later in the evening and appreciated the visibility it gave me of things that I otherwise wouldn’t have known. Every night, I had visibility of what was accomplished that day, what was needed the next day, and what questions I needed to answer to ensure I didn’t become a roadblock for Kristie moving more things forward in the morning. When Kristie first started, this was a manual process for her. I think she tried Pages, Paper, and Slack as she looked for a tool that worked best.
When we created Emmre, one of our goals was to make this process easier for both of us. All the things that Pages, Paper, and Slack couldn’t do, we added. We made it easy to add tasks to a summary selected directly from the Emmre to-do list. To easily add prepopulated questions to a summary making it even easier for an executive to answer.
We also wanted summaries to be interactive, so in Emmre, you and your executive can comment or message back and forth around anything in the summary. The best part is that we made summaries available to send as a link through, text, email, or Slack, to any executive even if they’re not an Emmre user! That way, you can provide all the value to your executive even if they don’t join you in Emmre.
We have one goal and one focus at Emmre…
to help maximize the effectiveness of your partnership with your executive.
One of the best emails that I received recently was from one of our executive assistant customers (whose executive did not use Emmre) saying…
“I am so happy right now. I am sending my executive daily summaries and for the first time since I began supporting them, they are answering my questions! I’m no longer constantly roadblocked. He literally said, ‘Answering questions in Emmre is easy!’”
That’s our goal - to make your job easier!
So whether you use Emmre or not, I can’t recommend enough that you begin providing a daily summary to your executive. They’ll love the visibility and hopefully, you’ll get some of your questions answered to keep you moving forward!
Emmre is executive assistant software created by an executive and assistant for executives and assistants. Emmre's mission is to help supercharge productivity and maximize the strategic partnership between executives and executive assistants.